I attended this year’s Data Natives (DN19), one of the best events to go to in Europe if you want to dive into the beautiful new world of data. The Data Natives community is the meeting point for over 70,000 industry experts, entrepreneurs, tech, and business professionals to connect, inspire each other, and disrupt the status quo. Each year, it hosts events in 50 key tech capitals for its global data community. Its annual events calendar culminates in the Data Natives conference, in its home city of Berlin. This year’s motto was: “What makes you tech?” One thing is for sure – DN19 is undoubtedly not another bubble of experts who praise themselves for being excellent all the time and make you feel stupid because you don’t know what the hell is machine learning. It is a gathering of human beings who meet and greet and talk about what makes them tech. This is important for you, dear HR executive, CEO of a company, or startup innovator. Why? Because you want to know what makes these people get up every morning. Data is the new oil. Data analysts and data scientists are the new programmers. To get them working at your company, you need to know what makes them tech. It is a broad-reaching question, and because it is human beings answering these issues, the answers are very diverse. You can check it all out at the data natives YouTube channel and please check out my video clip here: